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Sunday, September 8, 2024

How to Overcome Study Stress for Students: Study and Exam Pressure Relief

According to a survey of 2013 by the Nightline,  The association declares that 65% of students feel stressed. The students of today are very much stressed about their future and their career.

In general, stress is the body’s response to a potential threat. Through this physical reaction, various types of hormones and chemicals are released. It helps us to respond quickly to a dangerous situation. 

Many films were built over the stress of the students. As we know chronic stress can have serious health consequences. The negative side effects of stress can be high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems, insomnia, and increased levels of anxiety.

Students are Stressed due to these Reasons

According to research, it has been found out that the stress from the school days and gradually persists even during the college days which becomes a cause of mental health problems. Common sources of student stress include:

  • School
  • Homework
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Social challenges
  • Transitions (e.g., graduating, moving out, living independently)
  • Relationships
  • Work
  • Lack of Human(Friends, Parents etc) Interaction.
  • Excess use to technology

Stress-Busting Methods

Listen to music

Many times students become bored and they feel stressed about work. Listening to music is the best way to relieve stress from the mind in a few minutes.

Students can harness the benefits of music by playing classical music while studying, playing upbeat music to “wake up” mentally, or relaxing with the help of their favorite slow melodies.


Laughter is the best medicine in good health as we know it. Laughing loudly increases oxygen and blood flow which automatically reduces stress.


Mediation is the best way to release stress. If you try to sit quietly for 10 minutes a day can help with stress levels. Good breathing techniques can put you in a more relaxed state as they send oxygen uptake through your bloodstream, helping you to calm down and beat stress.

Exercise Regularly

As we know that exercise is the best way to fit our body. Students can review for tests with a friend in the morning by doing yoga, taking a walk or riding a bike on campus, or walking on the treadmill in the gym. Start now and keeping a regular exercise practice throughout your life can help you live longer and enjoy your life.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Everyone believes that inside a healthy body, there is a healthy mind which runs our body properly. The most important thing for a healthy mind is healthy food. If we use healthy food then the brainpower in our body increases, and then the stress level decreases.

A healthy diet can serve as both a stress management technique and a study aid. By improving your diet, you may experience dietary mood, mild activity, and more.

Calm yourself by eating a well-balanced diet:

 Make sure not to skip meals.

  •  Limit caffeine
  •  Avoid soft drinks
  •  Avoid alcohol and cigarettes
  •  Limit sugar intake, especially refined sugar
  •  Eat healthy breakfast
  •  Eat healthy snacks throughout the day
  •  Eat more complex carbohydrates

Practice Visualization

Guided imagery is easy to use and effective to reduce stress.  Visualization can help calm you, detract from what is stressing you, and turn off your body’s stress response.  You can use visualization to prepare for presentations and score high on tests by performing yourself as you wish.

Talking to someone

Speak to your friends and family they know you best and care about you the most. Studies suggest that socializing with a friend just once a week can reduce your stress levels and improve your mood in the form of therapy or counseling.

Time Management

Scientific research has indicated that there is a close relationship between proper time management and Low-stress levels.  For example, one study highlighted that the buffering effect of time management behaviors on perceived stress was greater than leisure satisfaction activities.  Further research among 525 employees indicated that time management behavior may reduce the effects of stressors.

Proper time management involves:

  •  Keeping ‘to-do’ lists
  •  Prioritize your tasks
  •  Setting goals for the day/ week
  •  Carry out tasks and responsibilities
  •  Overwriting dysfunction
  •  Remove distractions
  •  Implementing 80/20 Rule (Pareto Principle)
  •  Break tasks
  •  Setting rewards for  the accomplishment of work
  •  Reduce time-wasting activities
  •  Using time logs

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