New Delhi: Following a breakthrough in the Bulli Bai app case, the Delhi Police Special Cell arrested the mastermind and creator of the Sulli Deals app, which was also aimed at auctioning/selling Muslim women, on Sunday (January 9th) online.
Defendant Aumkareshwar Thakur, creator of the motion and thought leader of the Sulli Deals motion, was arrested in Indore, DCP KPS Malhotra, Intelligence Fusion and Strategic Operations (IFSO), said the Special Police Cell in Delhi.
According to investigators, Thakur was also connected to TRADGroup, a Twitter page created to troll Muslim women.
During the questioning, Thakur from Madhya Pradesh admitted that he developed the code on GitHub and that all members of the TRAD group have access to GitHub. GitHub is the platform that spawned the Sulli Deals and Bulli Bai apps to fully humiliate and slander influential Muslim women.
According to media reports, the defendant shared the application on his Twitter account, on which other members of the group had uploaded photos of Muslim women.
Sulli Deals apps that allegedly tried to humiliate Muslim women, mostly activists, and journalists, by listing them at auction, caused quite a stir last year.
Another application called Bulli Bai, created in the same way went online on January 1, 2022, where several Muslim women were up for auction.
In either case, however, there was no actual sale or deal, the motion was viewed as a significant threat to freedom of expression and as a direct promotion of hatred against a community.