A day after the Karnataka Supreme Court issued a historic decision upholding the rights of hijab educational institutions, and declaring that it was not an Islamic matter, Islamic organizations decided to strike in the streets of Karnataka on March 17 to protest against the Supreme Court. decision.
According to reports, several Islamic organizations have called on the bandh to protest against a recent ruling by the Karnataka Supreme Court that the hijab is not part of the “essential religious practice” of Islam.
Maulana Sagir Ahmad Khan Rashadi, Ameer-e-Shariat, called on all Muslim organizations to stage ‘peaceful’ protests across the country. Ameer-e-Shariat is the head of all Muslim organizations in the province. Expressing his “sorrow” over the Supreme Court decision relating to the hijab, Maulana Rashadi urged all Muslims to listen to the order and read it carefully and apply it firmly.
In a video message, Rashadi said the Muslim community wants to express their outrage at the sad Karnataka High Court ruling over the hijab so on March 17 there will be a full party across the state of Karnataka throughout the day. He also urged all sections of the Muslim community to participate in the band.
“Make it a success and pass it on to the rulers so that they can get an education while holding on to religious traditions. We also call on all lovers of justice and Millat-e-Islamia to follow the band, ”said Rashadi.
The Maulana also called on the youth to remain peaceful during the band. He urged Muslim youth not to engage in slogans, violence or to close shops. The religious leader asserted that his party was “extremely peaceful” and “extremely quiet,” and that it intended to justify opposition.
In its 129-page order, the Karnataka Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled that the hijab was not an important religious practice and upheld the government’s decision to ban the use of any religious emblems on campus. It said schools and colleges had the right to approve the uniform dress code on their premises.
Meanwhile, an appeal has been filed with the Supreme Court against the decision of the Karnataka High Court. The Supreme Court has agreed to hear the application after the holiday.
Karnataka hijab line