When it comes to protecting individuals from abuse, intimidation, and harassment, non-molestation orders play a significant role. In spite of this, non-molestation orders are surrounded by a number of misconceptions. As a result, listed below are just some of the most common myths about non-molestation orders, along with the true purpose and nature of the legal measures.
Myth One – Non-molestation orders are a private matter.
Reality: The intervention of the court is required for a non-molestation order to be official, meaning they’re not considered a private matter. Ultimately, these orders are intended to ensure the safety of victims. As a result, the breach of a non-molestation order is a criminal offense, meaning victims should report all violations to the police.
Myth Two – Non-molestation orders are permanent.
Reality: It varies from case to case, but non-molestation orders typically last anywhere from six months to a year. Despite this, if a victim requires further protection upon the duration drawing to a close, an extension can be granted. The ground for an extension will be assessed by the court to ensure the victim is provided with the safest outcome possible.
Myth Three – Non-molestation orders lead to false accusations.
Reality: Non-molestation orders won’t be granted without witness statements or evidence that gets presented to the court. As a result, the applicant is required to gather proof, which the court will then use to reach a decision. In fact, making false accusations can have serious legal consequences, which is why they’re so rarely made.

Myth Four – Non-molestation orders are ineffective.
Reality: When it comes to protecting a victim from further harm, a non-molestation order is proven to be very effective. This is because the perpetrator is legally obliged to stop their abusive behavior. In fact, prosecution and arrest can be the result of the violation of a non-molestation order. The orders are enforced by the police, meaning that they’re quite the opposite of effective.
Myth Five – Non-molestation orders are only for women.
Reality: Anyone who is a victim of harassment or abuse may apply for a non-molestation order; their gender, age or anything else is completely irrelevant. So long as the legal criteria are met, anyone may seek protection through a non-molestation order.
Myth Six – Non-molestation orders are difficult to obtain.
Reality: While it’s true that gaining a non-molestation order can be daunting, this isn’t to say that it’s difficult. In fact, the whole process is both efficient and accessible since victims can easily apply for an order at their local family court without the need for legal representation. After all, the safety of victims is always prioritized by the court, meaning the required guidance and support can be provided.
Myth Seven – Non-molestation orders are only for physical violence.
Reality: Physical abuse is just one of the many forms of abuse that can be addressed by a non-molestation order. In fact, a non-molestation order can be used to address coercive control, financial, psychological, and emotional abuse. Essentially, the purpose of a non-molestation order is to protect a victim from intimidation or harassment, which can result in fear and distress.
By dispelling myths and creating a wider understanding of non-molestation orders, more and more people can seek the help they need. After all, they’re a vital measure in providing protection and safety to those suffering from harassment and abuse. Essentially, victims must be empowered, while societal norms and stigmas associated with abuse are challenged. This way, a culture of equality and respect can be promoted, which is the most important thing that can be achieved. Ultimately, non-molestation orders boast a number of benefits.