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Asian hornet stings: What they look like and how to treat them

ASIAN hornets are in the UK and you should be careful if you come into contact with one.

It’s important to know how to deal with a sting and how to treat it.


Asian hornets can sting[/caption]

What do Asian hornet stings look like?

If you are unfortunate enough to be stung by an Asian hornet, you will probably know about it.

The sting site is likely to become swollen and a red painful lump will be left in its wake.

Some people may have an allergic reaction to the sting which will make the area even more swollen and red.

What are the symptoms of a Asian hornet sting?

After being stung by an Asian hornet you may experience some discomfort.

It will likely become slightly painful and itchy but symptoms will tend to lessen after a few hours to a few days.

A small number of people may experience a severe allergic reaction to a sting, in which case you need to call 999.

If symptoms of anaphylaxis develop, such as difficulty breathing, swollen face or throat, dizziness, nausea, tingling to burning sensation, then 999 should be called immediately.

Also, if someone who is stung has experience anaphylaxis before, they should be taken to hospital immediately.

You should go on to seek advice if:

  • You are particularly worried
  • You’ve been stung in the mouth, throat or near the eyes
  • Symptoms of wound infection develop such as redness, pain or fever
  • Fever, swollen glands or flu-like symptoms start to develop
  • Symptoms don’t improve or start to get worse
  • Symptoms of anaphylaxis develop such as difficulty breathing, dizziness, swelling of the face and throat, tingling or burning, nausea

How do you treat Asian hornet stings?

To treat a hornet sting you should:

  • Wash the area with soap and water and apply an antiseptic to clean the wound and reduce chance or infection
  • Place an icepack or cold compress to reduce any swelling
  • Elevate the affected area to reduce the chance of swelling
  • Avoid scratching the area to reduce the risk of infection or irritation

What do Asian hornets look like?

Worker Asian hornets tend to reach around 25mm and queens grow to 30mm.

The underside of the hornets are a jet black or a sooty brown colour while the tail is orange.

The hornet’s head is black with a deep orange face and dark brown legs with yellow tips.

September 07, 2023 at 08:03PM

from The Sun

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