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N. Korean lectures emphasize necessity of nuclear weapons for happiness of future generations

Recent lectures for officials at major regional universities was based on material explaining the reasons for North Korea’s development of nuclear weapons and missiles from the Workers’ Party Propaganda and Agitation Department, Daily NK has learned.

“Since Apr. 25, propaganda officials from the North Hamgyong Provincial Party Committee have been delivering lectures based on material from the Propaganda and Agitation Department of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea to officials at Chongjin Medical University, O Jung-hup Chongjin Teaching College and Chongjin Pedagogical University,” a source in the province told Daily NK on Wednesday, speaking on condition of anonymity. 

According to the source, the material from the Central Committee was titled, “Our cherished comrade Kim Jong Un, the sun of Juche Joseon, is an unparalleled patriot who safeguards the future of our style of socialism that unfolds in children’s smiles.”

The source explained that the lectures focused on expounding upon the determination of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, the party and the state to finish developing defensive nuclear weapons and missiles so as to protect the smiles of children, who are the future of the country.

“The lectures first emphasized the importance of Kim’s undying revolutionary ideology while explaining why children’s bright smiles symbolizes the strength and hope of socialism,” the source said.

“Second, there was an in-depth discussion of how Kim’s idea of building a state with powerful defense capabilities is connected to children’s smiles and the strength of socialism, as well as how developing nuclear weapons and missiles is related to the formation of a wealthy and powerful state,” the source said.

In effect, the lectures emphasized the fact that nuclear weapon and missile development is indispensable for the happiness of future generations and the economic development of the state.

In addition, the lectures also underscored what has been achieved by welfare and education policies implemented in the name of promoting children’s well-being and mentioned how socialist systems have been supporting children’s healthy growth and development.

“The officials from the provincial party committee’s propaganda and agitation department who spoke during the seminar reiterated that Kim’s love for future generations was reflected in the state development strategy and that his idea of building a powerful socialist state through nuclear weapon and missile development is ultimately aimed at safeguarding children’s future,” the source said.

“These lectures made clear once more that instead of being indoctrinated with vain hopes about reunification, the young generation needs to be inculcated with the idea of advancing nuclear weapons and missiles to seize South Korea by force and to safeguard the future of the state,” the source said.

By elucidating why nuclear weapon and missile development is needed through these lectures, the leadership aims to counter public criticism that the government has been focusing so much on building up defense capabilities that it has neglected the people’s economic difficulties.

The source said the lectures “were aimed at public grievance about the government   building nuclear weapons when people are so financially strapped they can barely keep food on the table.”

“In the end, lectures of this sort are designed to instill a better understanding of the state’s ideology and policies and to motivate people to contribute to the development of the state,” the source said.

Translated by David Carruth. Edited by Robert Lauler. 

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Please send any comments or questions about this article to dailynkenglish@uni-media.net.

Read in Korean

May 10, 2024 at 01:30PM

by DailyNK(North Korean Media)

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