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Monday, July 8, 2024

N. Korean women’s union promotes superiority of socialist system

The North Korean Socialist Women’s Union of Korea recently held lectures highlighting the supposed superiority of their socialist system, contrasting it with hardships in the Middle East and Africa.

On June 21, a source in North Pyongan Province reported that the union’s central committee had mandated these lectures across all provincial chapters in early June. The North Pyongan Province chapter complied on June 12, focusing on poor living standards, starvation, and disease in African and Middle Eastern countries while asserting that life in socialist countries like North Korea improves daily.

“Most North Koreans have no real concept of life in the Middle East or Africa,” the source explained, speaking on condition of anonymity. “Many union members were intrigued by these stories about other countries.”

The lecture described refugees fleeing their homelands for Europe, often waiting in camps for smugglers’ boats, with many dying from accidents or disease en route. While union members were captivated by this information, they carefully avoided asking probing questions about why these people are considered refugees or if they are labeled traitors for leaving.

Lecturers also praised North Korea’s socialist system, citing the Workers’ Party’s ability to mobilize the army for disaster response and claiming that, unlike in Japan or South Korea, elderly North Koreans do not die in isolation. They attributed these supposed benefits to Kim Jong Un’s leadership.

“North Koreans aren’t left unclothed or hungry. We live peacefully in newly-built houses comparable to royal palaces,” the lecturers claimed. “Comparing our circumstances to other countries shows socialism’s superiority. We must be more grateful to Comrade Kim Jong Un, the Party, and our country.”

Following the lecture, union members were asked to discuss their gratitude for living under a “people-first” socialist regime and submit written reflections.

The source added that similar programs will continue throughout June to foster appreciation for Kim Jong Un’s leadership and to counter regime critics by highlighting difficulties in the outside world.

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Please send any comments or questions about this article to dailynkenglish@uni-media.net.

Read in Korean

July 05, 2024 at 12:30PM

by DailyNK(North Korean Media)

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