Shigeru Ishiba, a veteran Japanese politician, has announced his bid to succeed Fumio Kishida as the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and...
Asian stock markets experienced a tumultuous week, with technology leading the decline. The sector's struggles, combined with concerns over inflation and interest rates, contributed...
When it comes to whisky, Scotland often takes the spotlight, and rightfully so. However, another whisky-producing country has been making waves in recent years...
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has slammed China for allowing protesters to throw stones at Japanese embassy schools in Beijing and Shanghai, calling it...
Japan's Airline and Railroad Industries Tap into NFT Market to Boost Services and Customer Engagement
In a bid to enhance their services and connect with...
Japan, the United States and South Korea have agreed to upgrade their security relationship to enable real-time monitoring of missiles launched by North Korea....
5 April: Japan’s Defense Ministry has reported that a Chinese missile destroyer has made a close passage near Japan and Taiwan, sparking concerns over...