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Foreign Minister Wu gives exclusive interview to Australia’s ABC

Minister of Foreign Affairs Jaushieh Joseph Wu said that Taiwan decides its leader and the future direction of the country through fair and open national elections every four years. This is the true meaning of democracy, but authoritarian China cannot accept it.

Wu made the remarks during an online interview Jan. 30 with Australian Broadcasting Corporation host Sarah Ferguson. The minister addressed the significance of the election, the cross-strait situation and relations with Australia in a segment titled “Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu: China has no right to threaten Taiwan” simultaneously broadcast on TV, radio and an online platform, Jan. 30.

Minister Wu pointed out that China has never ruled Taiwan, the country has a democratically elected president, parliament, its own military, it issues passports and visas, and exercises exclusive jurisdiction over its territory. He added that President-elect Lai stated that he will follow President Tsai's moderate and responsible current policies and maintain the status quo across the Taiwan Strait.

Minister Wu said that over the past eight years the Taiwan government has been recognized by the international community for its avoidance of conflict across the Taiwan Strait. International world leaders including those of Australia, have repeatedly emphasized that peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait are vital to global security and prosperity, and reiterated their opposition to unilateral changes in the cross-strait status quo.

Regarding any effects of a possible Trump return to the U.S. presidency Minister Wu pointed out that Taiwan-US relations reached a new level during the Trump administration, and the Biden administration continued to enhance bilateral cooperation on this basis. Wu said Taipei firmly believes that the new US government will continue its strong relations with Taiwan.

Minister Wu also noted that Taiwan and Australia share values of freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law, and he would be happy to see more high-level Australian officials visit Taiwan in the future. Minister Wu emphasized that Australia has an important role to play against Chinese expansion in the Indo-Pacific through its participation in the Trilateral Security Partnership (AUKUS) with the United Kingdom and the United States and the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD) with the United States, Japan, and India. (POC-E)

Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw

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