However, official insists it is still essential to try and pursue a diplomatic path rather than resort to violence
Russia’s top military experts have presented Russian President Vladimir Putin with possible plans of action in case tensions around Ukraine spiral into conflict, Moscow has disclosed as tensions flare between the two states.
Speaking as part of an interview on Thursday with media outlet RTVI, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said that “war specialists are constantly offering options to the president in the event that conditions deteriorate.”
The diplomat remarked that “this is a difficult subject,” and that it should be handled with care in the public space because it in itself is “a rocking of the situation.” He also said that it is vital to “give diplomacy a chance.”
Ryabkov also hinted that Russia could conduct naval exercises if the West continues to provoke Moscow, but said that there is no appetite to do so. When asked about whether the possibility of deploying the country’s military infrastructure to Venezuela or Cuba had been considered, the official replied that “I don’t want to confirm anything, I won’t rule anything out here either.”
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“In American style, the optionality of foreign military policy is the cornerstone of ensuring this country’s powerful influence in the world. [It] depends on the actions of American counterparts,” the official explained.
According to Ryabkov, Putin “has spoken out many times… about what could be the activities, for example… of the Russian Navy, if things go completely in the direction of provoking Russia and further strengthening the military pressure on us by the US.” However, he reiterated that Moscow does not want to resort to such action, insisting that “diplomats have to come to an agreement.”