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Ukraine question can’t be solved just by pressuring Russia – Macron

Solving the problem of Ukraine can’t be done solely by pressuring Russia, French President Emmanuel Macron said at a press conference ahead of Paris taking over the rotating presidency of the European Council.
Addressing the Ukrainian crisis at the press conference on Thursday, Macron said it was important for Europe to be close to Kiev, but that Russian President Vladimir Putin holds “many keys to the situation” in eastern Ukraine. Macron added that he intends to discuss the situation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Putin in the near future.

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        <img src="https://cdni.rt.com/files/2021.12/thumbnail/61b24d8985f5403c3f5d1ccc.JPG" alt="© REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque" />
        <figcaption><a href="/op-ed/542727-biden-russia-ukraine-nato/">Biden has successfully solved the Ukraine crisis he manufactured</a></figcaption>

The French president argued that it was the ‘Normandy format’ of talks hosted by France and Germany that helped halt the bloodshed in eastern Ukraine.

“Our desire is contact with President Zelensky, whom I will see on Wednesday, and in contact with President Putin, with whom I will negotiate next week, to restart this format and the political process,” Macron said.

He also commended US President Joe Biden for his video call with Putin on Tuesday, but noted that the involvement of Washington does not override European diplomatic efforts.

“I think this coordination will not replace the format that exists. President Biden himself noted in the communique the importance of the Normandy format,” Macron said.

Thursday’s press conference was called ahead of France assuming the six-month presidency of the European Council in January. Macron’s publicly stated goals for the term are to achieve “strategic sovereignty” of the EU, in both military and economic terms.
https://ift.tt/3dAII91 10, 2021 at 07:11AM
from RT – Daily news

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