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Ukrainian mortar shells hit Russian region – governor

The head of Kursk Region said the attack didn’t lead to casualties, but resulted in some material damage

Russian territory came under Ukrainian fire early on Saturday, according to the Governor of the Kursk Region, Roman Starovoyt. The official said the shelling did not lead to casualties, but damaged several buildings in the village of Tetkino. This is not the first time the border area has come under Ukrainian attack.

More than 20 shells landed today during the morning mortar shelling,” the governor wrote on Telegram.

Fortunately, there are no casualties among the residents,” but the attack did result in “minor” damage to several households, the governor added, while pledging “all necessary assistance” to affected locals.

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Employees of the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry are seen near the damaged residential buildings in the border town of Belgorod, Russia.
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Accompanying Starovoyt’s Telegram post were two photos presumably shot in the border locality. One depicted a window pierced by shrapnel, the other featured what looked like a fence made of sheet metal with a single opening, apparently also left by shrapnel.

Tetkino has previously been targeted by Ukraine.

Back in May, a truck driver was killed in the village, and several more civilians were injured as a result of shelling.

The conflict has also affected other Russian regions bordering Ukraine.

In early July, the Ukrainian military hit Belgorod with several ballistic missiles, killing a total of five civilians, and leaving at least four more injured.

The attack also resulted in considerable damage to apartment buildings and houses.

Russia’s military claims to have intercepted all three incoming Tochka-U missiles, saying the damage was caused by falling debris.

The city of Belgorod is located some 40 kilometers from the Ukrainian border.

https://ift.tt/I9wvO3R 16, 2022 at 12:55PM
from RT – Daily news

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