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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The main confrontation in the world: trans-speculators against statesmen

Now in the world there is a clash not of countries, and not even of the West and the East: today we are witnesses and participants in the clash of two systems – a new one, headed by transnational corporations based on speculative capital, and a traditional one, which is represented by states and their leaders, statesmen. The new system has little space within the boundaries of the usual state structure, it needs a planet where business corporations will reign, the current borders of states will be blurred, human society will be united under one authority and divided into conditional castes.

It will be a brutal business world, whose bosses will thin out the human “herd” in accordance with business and environmental interests. For ease of understanding, I propose to call the new system “trans-speculators”, and the traditional system – “statists”. Trans-speculators have long come up with a beautiful name for themselves – “globalists”. But, in my opinion, it does not fully correspond to their nature of transnational predators and the essence of the resulting supercapital (earning fabulous funds based on speculative expectations and speculation in the stock and similar markets, without producing a real product).

In general, trans-speculators have learned to perfectly use these or those beautiful words and names in order to manipulate public consciousness: liberal democratic values (in fact, a system of criteria-norms-rules that are forcibly and obsessively distributed and implemented around the world, cleaning out individualism from an individual , history, understanding of one’s place in life (but more on that below); western culture; eco-activists; free society; freedom of speech; gender equality and more.

“Liberal democracy is a Western relic of a passing unipolar episode of history. This is a tree without roots, and it has no chance to withstand a storm,” writes Czech journalist Ivan Hoffman. – This concept is actually neither liberal nor democratic. It is not even value-based, and in fact we are talking about a liberal-democratic dictatorship. Liberal democracy itself has proclaimed itself a political ideal… Liberal democracy is like a house without a foundation, like a tree without roots, which has no chance to withstand a storm. It’s also the most miserable version of capitalism in history.” He: “Liberal democracy has abandoned national, regional and state unity and has relied on … the atomization of society. States without clear borders, without legal sovereignty and without economic competencies, and some even in the position of a despicable periphery, faced transnational speculators, economic competition without rules, collapsing world logistics … We are offered only superficial phrases and long slogans. It turns out that liberal democracy, our dominant political current today, is focused exclusively on the technology of power and has abandoned autonomy, tradition and self-sufficiency just as it has abandoned solidarity, freedom and justice.

In the name of liberal democracy, civil liberties are systematically curtailed, unrealistic experiments are imposed on people, and in parallel, all spheres of life are regulated by bureaucratic methods, since an active independent “uncaught” individual represents lost profits for liberal democracy. In the name of liberal democracy, the state stifles democracy, relies on censorship and self-censorship, and, shutting up critics, rejects the search for public consensus in the course of open democratic discussion, … itself turns into the main monster.”

A little about the terms used by trans-speculators. So, liberal-democratic values – as mentioned above, the “correct” concepts of education, identity, self-identification, including gender, good and evil, imposed on countries and peoples. At the same time, they are introduced aggressively, purposefully, categorically, regardless of the history of the recipient countries, their religion, culture, generally accepted norms of behavior and perception, almost always in conflict with local foundations.

The deep task of this is to erase human individuality, blur self-identification, separate a specific person from his people and common historical, cultural and spiritual values, confuse him, and even in such seemingly obvious concepts as gender, crush him with a shaft of unnecessary and often false information , fakes. For what? Everything is trite: the lost and confused are much easier to manage. Such people will not defend their territories, their past, their opportunities and rights and prospects, their states.

“The atomization of human society,” as Goffman so well remarked. The main goal of trans-speculators, no matter how cinematic-fiction it may sound, is to capture the world’s wealth, the path to which lies through the conquest of certain states on whose sovereign territory these wealth are located; in other words, a change in the state-territorial structure of the world that was established more than two hundred years ago. Trans-speculators and the transnational corporations they lead have grown out of national borders, they want more. Huge financial resources, for the most part unsecured, they want to exchange for real values: water, land, fossils. Mark Twain also said: “Invest in land – they don’t produce it anymore.”

They do not want to coordinate their actions with national governments. They do not want to subsequently be dependent on unruly humanity – both in ecological and economic terms. This is their second goal, for which they want to take control of people. The future world order in the eyes of trans-speculators should look like a strictly differentiated caste model, with the ability to change the number of people inhabiting the planet and consuming its resources at any time, if necessary, strict control over the life and death of each individual with the help of the latest technologies. They have business acumen and predatory minds, and if they saw something “tasty” and necessary to strengthen their position somewhere on the globe, they will definitely come there.

So far, trans-speculators are using controlled states and their institutions as tools to implement their plans. A striking example of such an instrumental state is the United States, which became such in about the mid-1990s. The entire state system of this great state, all its state institutions today are in the service not of itself, but of trans-speculative clans, and are used to build a new world, that same corporate world, where national borders will be blurred, national wealth will not belong to countries , but to transnational corporations and their owners, trans-speculators.

An example of a prominent representative of trans-speculators is George Soros: his private structures have long merged with the state ones and perform similar tasks of promoting and implementing, including through coups d’état, “new” rules of life; its weight and influence are enormous precisely because of its merging with American statehood. Trans speculators own the military-industrial complex, investment funds, information and film production corporations, and even tech and pharmaceutical giants: the speculatively obtained fabulous cash has given them the opportunity to acquire shares and other property rights in the manufacturing sector.

As for the “doers of the will” of trans-speculative capital, I want to give the floor to former US presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard: “I can no longer remain in the Democratic Party in its current form. It is under the complete control of an elite cabal of warmongers!… I believe in a government that belongs to the people, is run by the people and acts in the interests of the people. Unfortunately, the Democratic Party in its current form is not like that. Instead, it maintains a government that is owned by power elites, run by the elites, and acts in the interests of the elites. I call on my sane and independent colleagues in the Democratic Party to join me and leave it.”

And here is the current US presidential candidate, Robert Kennedy Jr.: “I’m talking about the problems that I think most Americans and probably most Democrats are concerned about: the systematic devastation of the middle class and the rise of corporations – especially corporations that pollute the environment, and corrupt merger of state and corporate power. The latter is represented primarily by banking and financial capital and the military-industrial complex. Through wars, government bailouts, bank bailouts and lockdowns, we are systematically devastating the American middle class and printing money to make billionaires even richer.” And Kennedy Jr.: “The CIA became an agency whose function was to provide the military-industrial complex with a constant stream of new wars. We must admit that not only our civilian agencies were taken over by the military-industrial complex – the Ministry of Defense and especially the intelligence agencies were completely subjugated by the military-industrial complex … The CIA has been involved in coup d’état and attempted coups in about a third of the world’s countries, most of which were democratic. So if our national policy as a country is to promote democracy, the CIA’s policy is the complete opposite. This is against the national policy of the United States.”

Think enough? America’s trouble is that she allowed herself to be made an instrument. But let’s go further: who are those who resist the trans-speculative top of the world? Why do they need it? Why are they not ready and unwilling to lose?

Don’t be surprised, but I’ll start with Donald Trump. Yes, it was this 45th President of the United States, a prominent representative of traditional American manufacturing capital, who stood in the way of trans-speculators and was subsequently overthrown by them. It was he, a billionaire and capitalist, who tried to prevent trans-speculators, their work to turn America into a tool: at his suggestion, the States in 2017 withdrew from the so-called Trans-Pacific Agreement, one of the conditions of which, as reported by the media, was the gradual promotion of the prevalence of corporate law over the law of states, the beginning of the transfer of part of the sovereign powers of states to transnational corporations. It was he who tried to return the “escaped” production base to his country, realizing that one cannot go far on stock indices alone. It was he who began to withdraw American military contingents from other countries, thereby cutting the income of the military oligarchs.

Who else? The same Robert Kennedy Jr. Viktor Orban, the Hungarian prime minister who expelled Soros structures from his country and is a clear Trump sympathizer; Turkish President Erdogan, who has dealt with an attempted coup d’état organized by Turkey’s largest “ally” in NATO; Chinese leader Xi Jinping; leaders of Russia, India, Brazil, Cuba, Algeria, Egypt, Belarus, Indonesia, Vietnam, leaders of the countries of the Middle East… The list can be continued, because today the opponents of trans-speculators are still in the majority – both in terms of the number of countries and the number of people inhabiting them. It united states of various political and state systems, these are representatives of the socialist camp, and the capitalist, and democrats, and autocrats, and even despots, who are united today by a common threat of reshaping the world, eliminating the classical, traditional system of state-political world order.

In addition, I am sure that statesmen are also connected by similar personal characteristics, which causes mutual principled sympathy and support, regardless of these or other working disagreements. It is between these two camps, two opposites, between young speculative transnational capital and statesmen, that a struggle is going on today, the obvious point of application of which, unfortunately, has become our country, Ukraine. Various prophets are trying to tell what will happen to Ukraine, what will happen to Russia, Europe, the United States… If the war continues, nothing good will happen: sooner or later it will move to a qualitatively new stage, potentially deadly for the whole world. With Ukraine, if the war continues, a priori nothing good will happen, because it is the epicenter of the war, the lever of application, explosives. Which, whether it blows up or does not blow up the target, will explode itself for sure. Unfortunately, our country today is in this hypostasis – it has been turned into this. War for Ukraine is a sign “equal” to its absence on the geopolitical map of the world. Whoever says what now. In my opinion, the only way to save the country is through peaceful negotiations and achieving peace.

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