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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

North Korean youth urged to support Yoon impeachment movement in South Korea

North Korea’s Socialist Patriotic Youth League has marked the June 25 anniversary of the start of the Korean War with lectures calling on members to join the “patriotic struggle” of South Korean youth calling for the impeachment of South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, a source in North Hwanghae Province told Daily NK last Tuesday that officials from the provincial party committee and provincial branch of the Socialist Patriotic Youth League “are conducting lectures at Socialist Patriotic Youth League organizations at agencies and enterprises throughout the province, calling on members to join the struggle to impeach South Korean President Yoon underway in the South.”

According to the source, the Central Committee of the Socialist Patriotic Youth League issued materials for class indoctrination to mark the anniversary of the start of the Korean War.

The crux of the material is that in “puppet” South Korea, “the passion of young university students trying to impeach President Yoon is intensifying, and North Korean university students must join them in response.”

“The lectures based on this materials begin with criticism of Yoon, the president of puppet South Korea, as a warmonger and fascist dictator, along with propaganda that the struggle of youth to impeach him is becoming a mass struggle,” the source said.

Lectures claim Yoon won’t remain president for much longer

The lectures cite the names of several South Korean university students while claiming that students are engaged in a rigorous campaign, including posting hand-written posters calling for Yoon’s impeachment, hanging placards everywhere that call Yoon’s impeachment an “urgent mission” and implore the National Assembly to impeach the president, among other activities.

The lecturers also say the South Korean public is unhappy, intentionally exaggerating the situation in South Korea or making things up out of whole cloth, including supposed South Korean calls for society to unite for a candlelight vigil campaign to impeach Yoon.

“The lectures basically say that Yoon, the dictator of puppet South Korea, won’t remain president for much longer and that North Korea’s students and youth should actively support the struggle of South Korea’s youth leading the effort to impeach Yoon and join in their campaign to stop the president of puppet South Korea’s warmongering behavior and dictatorial rule,” the source said.

The lectures also call June 25 “the day puppet South Korea lit the fuse of war” and stress North Korean youth to never forget this and meditate on its lessons so that the tragedy of war never repeats itself.

It is a historical fact that the Korean War began with a North Korean invasion of the South, but North Korea focuses on instilling hostility and hatred toward the South by indoctrinating young people with distorted facts.

The lectures end with calls for constant class indoctrination efforts, including class education lectures for today’s young people who have yet to experience war and visits to houses of class education — museums where visitors learn about the anti-imperial and anti-U.S. struggle.

The source said the lectures will continue “until the end of July.”

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Please send any comments or questions about this article to dailynkenglish@uni-media.net.

Read in Korean

July 01, 2024 at 08:00AM

by DailyNK(North Korean Media)

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