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S. Pyongan Province inspects farms tasked with providing raw materials for production activities

At the beginning of April, North Korean authorities carried out a two-week inspection of farms in South Pyongan Province that are responsible for supplying the raw materials needed for production activities at factories in the province, Daily NK has learned.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, a source in South Pyongan Province told Daily NK on Apr. 24 that the provincial committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea had launched the inspection of raw material bases in cities and counties throughout the province on Apr. 2. The committee had criticized the bases for failing in their duties year in and year out, even though they are critical for achieving the party’s policy of developing industry in the provinces.

The provincial party committee used the inspections to review how well the raw material bases had done on last year’s assignments before this year’s farm work begins and to underline the lessons learned. The committee also emphasized that effective management of the land at the bases is a top priority in implementing the party’s regional development policy.

According to the source, the provincial party committee stressed that the raw material bases need to increase output by placing crops in the best locations, learning from the example of several bases that were praised last year for contributing to the development of provincial industry.

The provincial party committee also warned that planting and cultivating unscheduled crops or lending out plots of land at the bases without permission is considered a serious disruption of the party’s regional development policy.

“During its inspection, the party committee denounced farms and officials that had been letting groups or individuals make private use of public land or condoning such behavior,” the source said.

The provincial party committee also looked into the labor shortage at raw material bases, the source said. On that topic, the committee instructed the labor departments at each people’s committee to focus on securing enough workers to ensure that the bases can meet their production goals.

In regard to the shortage of farming materials, machinery and parts at the raw material bases, the committee stressed that the bases need to come up with their own materials, machinery and parts with a spirit of self-reliance instead of relying solely upon the government.

In addition, the provincial party committee said that the raw material bases need to strictly comply with rules and principles the party has announced for this year.

“Prior to its two-week inspection, the provincial party committee informed officials at the raw material bases in question to prepare themselves for a tongue-lashing before the committee. Facing that prospect, the officials at some bases prepared envelopes full of cash and pork for the committee officials who were carrying out the inspection,” the source said.

Translated by David Carruth. Edited by Robert Lauler. 

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Read in Korean

May 02, 2024 at 07:30AM

by DailyNK(North Korean Media)

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