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Three Pyongsong high schoolers in trouble after sharing nude photos of female students

Three male students at a high school in Pyongsong have been expelled for distributing nude or illicit photos of girls at the school taken with their cell phones, Daily NK has learned.

“A third-year student at Pyongsong No. 1 High School was arrested in mid-March after he allegedly shared nude photos of a classmate he was dating,” a source in South Pyongan Province told Daily NK on Monday, speaking on condition of anonymity.

After the nude photos of the girl were found to have been shared by boys at the school, one of her family members, who happened to be a member of Pyongsong’s party committee, took action to ensure that the incident would be dealt with severely.

The boy, a junior at the high school, had taken photos of his girlfriend, a student at the same school, while they were having intimate relations. The boy then sent the photos to a close friend in the same class, who then shared the photos with someone else. Before long, the photos were widely circulated.

This was not the only incident at Pyongsong’s No. 1 High School related to problematic cell phone photos. Two other boys had sneaked into the bathroom to secretly take pictures of girls’ body parts and send them to other students, which outraged the parents of the girls involved.

The two boys are currently being detained for questioning about their motives, and Pyongsong authorities are very concerned that underage students are engaging in such blatant depravity.

City authorities order ban on cell phones at school

These incidents are being taken especially seriously because they occurred at the No. 1 High School, which is supposed to educate the city’s best students. The city authorities have warned schools that degenerate students are not fit to become the future leaders of the country, no matter how well they study.

“The Pyongsong authorities held a general meeting of the teaching staff to announce what had happened and to stress the need for careful management of students in each school. Specifically, the city authorities ordered teachers to strictly prohibit students from using cell phones at school and after classes,” the source said.

The city authorities also said that students dating when they should be concentrating on their studies is a product of rotten capitalist ideology and culture, and called for more lectures on the healthy socialist custom of waiting until one is a mature adult before meeting a romantic partner.

In a related development, the Pyongsong office of the Socialist Patriotic Youth League has instructed youth league branches in every middle and high school to closely monitor students to make sure they are not pairing up, dating, or carrying cell phones at school.

“The Pyongsong authorities have quietly ordered that the boy who took the nude photos be sent to juvenile hall, which is tantamount to banishment from decent society, and that the other two boys be expelled from the No. 1 High School and transferred to regular schools,” the source said.

Translated by David Carruth. Edited by Robert Lauler. 

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Read in Korean

April 03, 2024 at 12:30PM

by DailyNK(North Korean Media)

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