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Saturday, July 27, 2024

G7 foreign ministers’ statement welcomed by MOFA

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs thanked the foreign ministers of the Group of Seven nations for reiterating the importance of cross-strait peace and supporting Taiwan’s meaningful global participation.
In the statement following their meeting April 17-19 in Capri, Italy, the ministers restated the indispensability of Taiwan Strait peace and stability to global security and prosperity and called for peaceful resolution of cross-strait issues, the MOFA said.
They also voiced support for Taiwan’s meaningful participation in international organizations, including in the World Health Assembly and technical meetings of the World Health Organization, the ministry added.
According to the MOFA, the G7 nations have expressed similar sentiments numerous times since their summit in Cornwall, the U.K., in 2021. The consistent show of support is deeply appreciated by the government and people of Taiwan, it said.
As a key regional partner and responsible member of the international community, Taiwan will continue to expand cooperation with the G7 nations and other like-minded countries to ensure a free and open Indo-Pacific, safeguard the rules-based order and strengthen democratic resilience in order to promote freedom, democracy and human rights, the ministry added. (SFC-E)
Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw

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