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Taiwan, Czechia sign MOU on educational cooperation

Taiwan and the Czech Republic concluded a memorandum of understanding Jan. 29 on educational cooperation, marking another milestone in the bilateral partnership, according to the Ministry of Education.
Under the five-year pact, the two sides will enhance research collaboration in areas spanning arts, engineering, social science and technology between 12 institutions of the University Academic Alliance in Taiwan and a similar Czech coalition of 13 universities.
The MOU was signed over video link by Chen Wen-chang, president of Taipei City-based National Taiwan University, and his counterpart Milena Králíčková of the Prague-headquartered Charles University. Minister without Portfolio Wu Tsung-tsong; Ke Liang-ruey, head of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Prague; Jiří Drahoš, first vice president of the Czech Senate; David Steinke, head of the Czech Economic and Cultural Office Taipei; and officials from the two sides’ Ministries of Education witnessed the event.
According to Wu, Taiwan and Czechia share foundational values and are committed to promoting forward-looking educational cooperation in the international community. The  accord further demonstrates their determination to cultivate the next generation’s talents, he said, adding that Taiwan is glad to share its experience in nurturing semiconductors personnel and developing integrated circuit designs.
Following Wu’s remarks, Deputy Minister of Education Lio Mon-chi detailed that the pact also focused on the fields of language education, life sciences, semiconductors and other advanced technology. To support the MOU, the MOE will pour in NT$50 million (US$1.6 million) per year while the National Science and Technology Council is also to provide funds for academic and research personnel exchanges, he said.
UAAT members include NTU and National Tsing Hua University, while the Czech Republic’s university alliance comprises Charles University, Metropolitan University Prague and University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, among others, according to the ministry. (YCH-E)
Write to Taiwan Today at ttonline@mofa.gov.tw

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