Retired Judge Bibhas Kanti Kilikdar has been sworn in as the new Lokayukta of Tripura, marking a significant milestone in the state’s efforts to establish an anti-corruption ombudsman. The oath-taking ceremony was held at the Raj Bhavan, with Governor Satyadeo Narain Arya administering the oath to Justice Kilikdar.
Justice Kilikdar, a retired judge of the Calcutta High Court, has been appointed to the post for a period of five years. His appointment is seen as a major step towards establishing a robust anti-corruption mechanism in the state.
The Lokayukta is an independent body responsible for investigating allegations of corruption against public servants, including government officials, politicians, and other high-ranking officials. The institution is expected to play a crucial role in promoting transparency and accountability in governance.
The appointment of Justice Kilikdar as the Lokayukta has been welcomed by various sections of society, who have expressed hope that he will bring about a positive change in the state’s governance. With his vast experience as a judge, Justice Kilikdar is expected to bring about a sense of fairness and impartiality to the institution.
The establishment of the Lokayukta in Tripura is a significant development in the state’s efforts to combat corruption and promote good governance. It is expected to send a strong message to public servants that corruption will not be tolerated and that those found guilty will be held accountable.