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Thursday, February 6, 2025

Ablazing the Fallacies of “Varna System” & Caste, in Vedic Scriptures of Sanatana Dharma

Indian sacred texts, a classic example of excellent metaphoric language, elite symbols and explanations inscribed by Intellectuals in span of thousands of years, have been a victim of misinterpretation, ill-translation, and inefficacious attempts to diminish its shine.

The destructors of ancient vedas and its unmatched knowledge are none other Hindus themselfs who stopped practicing it and handed over their heritage to be glorified by outsiders, be it Mughals or Britishers. This is the classic example of the saying “If you give your prestige and achievements to be glorified by your invaders, they would mould it the way they want.”

The Excellent use of metaphors in Vedas, Gita, Shrutis etc. have been duly acknowledged by the great German philosophers Immanual Kant, who himself studied vedic vedanti philosophy and lauded it as a masterpiece of excellence. However the ill-translation and propaganda by a few corrupt sections who in order to hold the power in their hands, preached contaminated inferences of scriptures.

Mis-fortune of our country where the greatest civilisation came into existence, comes to this point where, their descendants discontinued to follow their marvelous societal structure and barely know it. Thanks to few of the philosophers who have kept this knowledge alive. Let’s have a deep dive into few of these vast concepts.

What is the Varna System?

“Manu” the first ever lawgiver coined the term “varna system” in his     preachings(manusmriti), which is a classification of social     structure into four major categories namely Brahaman, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra. These categories were introduced along with a few sets of laws, for smooth functioning of the society. This might seem easy to understand a simple concept, but is equally complex to explain in modern society due to persisting misconception. The concept was already mentioned in Vedas, however this was further explained and named as “Varana” by manu himself.

These four varna, divided on the basis of their functions, have a single aim and that is “Serve the society with your full potential.”

This concept, despite being clearly mentioned and explained in ancient scriptures, is totally blurry in the eyes of today’s Indian society and sheer bluntness can be seen while they are asked about their “varana”. The vedic sacred texts as well as manusmriti clearly relates ‘varnas’ to the ‘guna’ i.e., behavior, education and character, rather than the birth.

Rig Veda Mentions concept of varna system in a beautiful metaphorical way as following:

    ब्रा॒ह्म॒णो॑ऽस्य॒ मुख॑मासीद्बा॒हू रा॑ज॒न्य॑: कृ॒तः ।
ऊ॒रू तद॑स्य॒ यद्वैश्य॑: प॒द्भ्यां शू॒द्रो अ॑जायत ॥१०.९०.१२||

Meaning and explanation: “Assuming the society as a physical human body metaphorically, Functions of the body parts above the neck: Thinking, Observing(eyes, ear), Speaking etc. So are the functions of Brahmin which include Contemplating, advicing, Preaching vedic & scientific Knowledge etc.

As the arms have the qualities of purification, protection and salvation, so are the duties of a Kshatriya,

As the central part of the abdomen collects and divides food, so should be in a Vaishya.

As the feet provide support to the whole body, runs etc. So are the duties of Shudra i.e. labor and service to all other Varans.”– Rig Veda १०.९०.१२ ॥

In Bhagavad Gita, Bhagwan Krishna himself says:

    चातुर्वर्ण्यं मया सृष्टं गुणकर्मविभागश: |
तस्य कर्तारमपि मां विद्ध्यकर्तारमव्ययम् ||13||

Meaning:The four varnas were created by me(Supreme God) according to differences in guna and karma; although the creator of this, knows me as the non-doer being immutable.” — Bhagavad Gita 4.13

This Vedic concept enshrines the Varna system for smooth functioning of     society, which had the profession and skill as the underlined criterion. It was a mutable system driven by merit, skill, education and knowledge without any entitlement on account of birth or family clan. Varna system and its meaning were diluted, discredited and discontinued by few of the corrupt sections of society in order to hold power in their hands.
Caste  has replaced Varna today. The generation today are rigid to follow the poison of caste. The hate has made the caste a birth entitlement within the legal prism of constitutional rights. It is a fraud committed to the concept of Vedic neutrality.

Illustration: Taking an example of a hypothetical family having 4 brothers, one of them acquires good education and becomes a professor in a college, second one joins Army due to his good physical fitness, third one becomes a trader due to his interest in economic activities, and the fourth one who had no interest in studying, he hardly passed elementary school but got a job of Peon in an Office.

Now, these four brothers despite being of a single family belong to four different varna. Who gained these varna according to their education and character. Hence none of them is untouchable or less respected to others, they all have to discharge their duties according to what they have acquired.

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How Varna is Chosen? and their functions.

Chosen?? Yeah! You heard it right, word “Varna” is derived from sanskrit word “Varan”(वरण करना) meaning “To Choose”, as the word     speaks for itself. Our ancient scriptures like Vedas, Gita and Manusmriti clearly suggest that varna is not by birth rather chosen by a person himself or given by his Guru(Teacher), on the basis of     behavior, education ‘guna’(character), that a person possesses.
In Sociological terms “Varana” is an acquired status not ascribed status. Correlating with modern society, somebody after studying medical becomes a Doctor, after studying law becomes a Lawyer.     NO-Body can claim to be a Doctor by the reason of being born to a Doctor father. In the same way Nobody can claim to be a Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya or shudra just because he is born in such a family.
According to the scriptures, one who claims to be Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya     or Shudra just because he is born in such a family or clan is surely a fraud.

जन्मना जायते शूद्रः संस्कारात् द्विज उच्यते।
शापानुग्रहसामर्थ्यं तथा क्रोधः प्रसन्नता ।|31-34||

Meaning: “A person is born as Shudra by birth, he takes second birth when noble sacraments (commencement of study or Upnayan Sanskar) is performed. He becomes knowledgeable and learned when he has studied Vedas, and he becomes Brahman when he has known the Brahma, the ultimate and the supreme.” — Verse 31-34, Ch-239, Skanda Purana Vol.18, Book VI.

As stated by Manusmriti and Gita that everyone is born as “Shudra” by birth, it is his character and education that decides his varana(duty) in the society. This was done in order to utilize the full possible potential of a human according to his nature, skill, education, ability that would ultimately     contribute to the betterment of society through his services.

Birth(Shudra) => Acquiring Skill & Education(Dwij) => Decides Varan(Profession/Duty)

Dwij(द्वीज): Dwij is a sanskrit word meaning “second birth” in a single life that transforms a child into student preparing him to pursue his studies or skills.You may relate it as a step to admit a child into a school, and this step would give him a complete new life full of intellect and knowledge.

To make a child Dwij a sacrament is followed which is called “Upnayan Sanskar”(उपनयन संस्कार).

In the school and college you are asked to choose your stream whether it is Science, Commerce or Arts, which would ultimately lay a roadmap to your profession in future.

This is the same process done in making “Dwij”, in which a student acquires education & skills based on his interest or character that would ultimately transform him into a Brahmin, Kshatriya or Vaishya.

And In ancient times the one who didn’t become dwij, in other words someone who doesn’t take admission in school to get education, becomes “Shudra”. Shudra due to illiteracy or less education used to get jobs in the services of society. These services only required an intent to do hard work physically under a master.

Hence based on aforesaid principle of four social classes were created:

The way of service may be different, but all have the same goal of serving the society and all are equally important.

  • Brahmin     (Intellectual Class)
  • Kshatriya     (Warrior Class, Protectors or Soldiers)
  • Vaishya     (Managers of Food and Economic activities)
  • Shudra     (Service class, Manual Labour)

Who is Brahmin in a true sense?

Brahmin or Intellectual class use their upper body part(above neck) for the service of society. They after acquiring Vedic knowledge, used to advise administrators & common people, Teach, preach vedas, become social or scientific researcher, law-maker, and sometimes appointed as minister in King’s court to help run the administration.

People having good analytical, scientific temperament and cool mindedness commonly used to opt for Brahminical education.

It is explicitly mentioned in Gita and Manusmriti that none can be Brahmin by the reason of his birth in such a family. And a person having no education cannot claim to be a Brahmin.

If Somebody acquires a good education but joins the army, he is a Kshatriya. Because your “Varna” is ultimately decided on the basis of your profession or service you provide for the society, after fulfilling the eligibility criteria of it.

In addition to this, Shree Krishna In Bhagavad Gita further explains character of a Brahmin:

सत्यं दानं क्षमा शीलम आनृशंस्यं दमॊ घृणा|
दृश्यन्ते यत्र नागेन्द्र स बराह्मण इति समृतः ||

Meaning/Explanation: “Truthfulness, generosity, patience, good character, compassion, self-control, tenderness are the characteristics of Brahmana”.–Gita.

Brahmins are a highly respected class due to their high knowledge and duty to show path. This respect does not come due to their birth in a high class family, but the potential importance of their intellect which shapes the society.

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Who is a Kshatriya?

Kshatriya or Warrior class is the class which is responsible for protection and safeguarding the society. A person becomes Kshatriya who due to his good Physical body, aggressive character joins defence forces or becomes a ruler.

A son/Daughter of Army personnel can’t claim to be an Army officer because of his birth to such father.

In addition to this, Shree Krishna In Bhagavad Gita further explains the character of a Kshatriya(Soldier).

शौर्यं तेजो धृतिर्दाक्ष्यं युद्धे चाप्यपलायनम् ।
दानमीश्वरभावश्च क्षात्रं कर्म स्वभावजम् ॥१८- ४३॥

Meaning/Explanation:Prowess, splendour, firmness, dexterity and also not fleeing from battle, generosity and lordliness are the duties of Kshatriyas, born of (their own) nature.

Who is a Vaishya?

Vaishya is a class involved in production and management of resources to the society. The term Vaishya translates as “Settler” or “Homesteader”. People good at economic knowledge, calculations, production ideas etc. generally opt for this class after getting some skill and Education.

Almost all vedic scriptures talk about the duties of vaishya. Some of their duties towards society are paying taxes, agriculture, trade, economics, giving alms, business etc.

Who is a Shudra?

Shudra or the service class, are involved in providing manual labour due to their illiteracy or least literacy. The people who don’t possess any skill to offer neither they are aggressive and strong enough to join the military, serve as physical laborers, servants working under a master.

This is the exact societal system being followed in modern day, however the name “Varna System” has been portrayed as communal and social evil.

Misinformation and conspiracy against manusmriti and Varna Vyavastha.

1. Former Prof. at Kurukshetra University, Dr. H.S. Sinha says that the contamination in ancient scriptures began ages back when the Mauryan empire declined and Pushyamitra Shunga was on rise. The Breahmanwad(Brahmanism) was on rise too, in which few sections of Brahmans in order to hold the power in their hands, speared hundreds of fake slokas in Manusmriti and other smrities. These slokas promoted blind following of brahmins and discriminatory attributes among other Varnas.

For example: A rule was inserted which required all other varnas to respect sons of Brahmans(Brahman Putra), as their fathers or Brahman himself, due to his pious birth in Brahman’s house.

Fortunately enough, recently Former VC of Gurukul Kangri University, Dr. Surender Kumar, researched and worked on Manusmriti to remove its contaminated slokas and wrote another purified commentary on Manusmriti book named “Vishuddha Manusmriti.”

2. Max Muller who never had studied Panini’s grammar and Yaska’s Nirukta, yet he claimed to have made authentic translations of Ved and other Scriptures. The moral and intellectual slavery of Post-Independence historian never questioned this rather authenticated his translation.

This manusmriti was further contaminated during the British regime, when Max Muller in association with Macaulay, the two wretched missionaries were on a mission to erode the Vedic Belief and established evangelical belief. The Vedic belief was rooted with scientific interpretation of every ritual that Sanatan followed and hence Max Muller decided to make a translation of Veda with smuggled ideas and corrupted connotation.

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Few examples of the blunder translation of Scriptures, done by Max Muller are as follows.

  • Our scriptures stated that “the one who doesn’t become a student(Dwij) and doesn’t acquire knowledge of veda, becomes Shudra”. Max Muller twisted is as “Shudras are not allowed to     read veda.”   
  • Manusmriti and other vedas suggested that “It is the responsibility of men to     provide protection to women in all circumstances”, was twisted as     “Men shall be the master of women, and she would be the slave.”   
  • Our Scriptures suggested 33 Koti(means “Type” in     this context) of     Devi/Devtas, Max Muller translated koti as “Crore” and translated it as 3.3 Crore Devi/Devtas.(Sanskrit Word “Koti” has several meanings)

Corrupt and illegal words were smuggled, falsification and illusion meaning were invented and the essence of Vedic purity was brutalized. He had no idea about the sacramental duties of religion and sanctimonious splendor of Vedic life. He could only create confusion and chaos. The worship of Lord Shiva, Vishnu and the other popular deities had esoteric philosophy and deep belief behind. Max Muller made fun of great civilization in his every public discourse. He declared that Hinduism is a dead and dying religion, while Christianity is living and vibrant.

Inspired by Interpretation as explained in the Bible about the beginning of the Humane race, Max Muller could never reconcile with the idea of humane conscience and intellectual expression as mentioned in pristine Ved, which is much older than the Bible. And hence he fixed the origin of Rig Veda date as only 1200 BC without any scientific or literary verification. Despite vociferous criticism, the west yet not treats Vedas the oldest humane scripture on planet earth. The sense of racial superiority of Muller was an expression of conceited complexity and abject stupidity.

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Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar’s Contribution in spreading misinformation.

BR. Ambedkar, being curious about the prevailing caste-system at that time, tried to research its origin. After knowing about mentions of “Varna system” in Manusmriti, he read it in English, which was then translated and contaminated by Max Muller. This distorted Manusmriti aggravated the situation and seeded misconception in Ambedkar’s mind.

Dr. Ambedkar himself admitted that he has no knowledge of Sanskrit and he read english manusmriti.

However, BR Ambedkar in his book “Philosophy of Hinduism”, says that Varna system is given by Intellectuals for the betterment of the society but the caste system is unnecessary.

Varna, Jati and Caste

Caste or Jati is nowhere mentioned in Vedic literature. The word caste is derived from the Portuguese word “Casta” which implies breed or race. This word is used interchangeably with Varna, which is contextually wrong. Britishers, while translating the scriptures, translated the word “Varna” as “Caste”, totally ignoring the contextual factor. 

The theory of Birth of the caste has been controversial. However, a vedic reasoning emerges that after Mahabharat, “varnas” started shrinked into “varga”, “varga” into “jati”, “jati” into “Upjati”.

But a sociological reasoning is that, Varna people who started their business or occupations, got to be known by their work and hence nomenclature of groups emerged, which later became name by birth.

But our focus remains the same that the entire social structure of Vedic concept was based upon the Varna system, which had the profession and skill as the underlined criterion. It was a mutable system driven by merit, skill, education and knowledge without any entitlement on account of birth. The Varna system and its meaning were diluted, discredited and discontinued. Caste which has its origin from Portuguese word “Casta” found its way to the government directive. The British rulers documented caste and tribe with all possible nefarious insinuation in all its record, notification and gazetteers since 1881.

The 1911 census under commissioner Herbert Risley was the nadir of this sinister conspiracy under the British. Where “social precedence as Caste was smuggled into record unter a strategic conspiracy to destroy Indian cultural heritage”. Reams of paper supported by divisive public oration for decades made today caste as an integral word for Indian Sanatan Society. Caste has replaced Varna today. The generation of society today is rigid to follow the poison of caste, which never existed in vedas as it is today. The hate and rigidity has made the caste a birth entitlement within the legal prism of constitutional protection. It is a fraud committed on the concept of Vedic neutrality.

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